SATMAN 65 PLUS with 40 mm Twin-LNB
SATMAN external unit with pre-assembled AZ/EL mount, 65 cm Ø
EAN | Colour | Item no. | Device (W x H x D) | Box |
4019588488205 | beige | 2065/4882 | 68 x 76 x 5,8 cm | 69,2 x 77,8 x 19,5 cm |
4019588488236 | slate/grey | 2365/4882 | 68 x 76 x 5,8 cm | 69,2 x 77,8 x 19,5 cm |
4019588488274 | polar/white | 2765/4882 | 68 x 76 x 5,8 cm | 69,2 x 77,8 x 19,5 cm |
4019588488243 | brickred | 2465/4882 | 68 x 76 x 5,8 cm | 69,2 x 77,8 x 19,5 cm |
4019588488250 | yellow with Smiley | 2565/4882 | 68 x 76 x 5,8 cm | 69,2 x 77,8 x 19,5 cm |
Top features
65 cm Spiegel aus erstklassigem Aluminium (beidseitig pulverbeschichtet)
Inkl. 40 mm Twin-LNB
1 oder 2 Teilnehmer
1 Orbitposition (z. B. Astra 19,2° Ost)
Optimal für Wand- und Dachmontage
General characteristics
Colour *: beige, slate-grey, brick-red, green
Scope of Delivery
Satellite dish antenna SATMAN 65, AZ/EL bracket mount, Universal-Twin-LNB, screws, installation instructions
* black/white