- The following new fixes and features are available
- fixed data reception problem caused by HyperThreading or SMP systems
- fixed high CPU load issue caused in the moment a multicast session was activated or deactivated
- fixed DVB-T frequency offset handling problem
- modified satellite locking algorithm to optimize reception performance
- modified data reception tools to be compliant to some specific requests of internet via satellite providers
- modified scan function in the DVBViewer to speed up satellite scans
- modified EPG dialog in DVBViewer to remove outdated entries
- added an audible signal indication to Setup4PC
- added new function and icon in DVBViewer to switch between playback of TV and recorded files
- added teletext based subtiteling to the TV application
- added new preconfigurations for satellite based data services
Users should take care that a previous installation (driver + user software) should be removed before a new installation is performed. Just to prevent any interferences.
Manuals for the DVB-PC TV Stars, DVBViewer TechniSat Editon and FAQs are part of the file set.
For additional information, please contact:
Head Quarters:
TechniSat Digital GmbH, TechniPark, D-54550 Daun
Tel. +49 6592/712-600, Fax +49 6592/712-779
export@technisat.com, www.technisat.com
Luxembourg Office:
TechniSat Data Services S.A., MediaCenter Betzdorf
11, rue Pierre Werner, L-6832 Betzdorf/Luxembourg
Tel. +352 710 707-900, Fax +352/710 707-959